November 9 (this Saturday) at 10 a.m. -- Mandatory Flag Retirement Ceremony

November 13 -- Troop election

November 21-23 -- Campout at Belzer. Not many Scouts are signed up; if you're interested please let Mr. Barrett know ASAP.

December 6-7 -- Big Ten Fan Fest and overnight lock-in at Camp Belzer (cabin)

January 8 -- First meeting back after Christmas vacation. Boards of Review for any rank advancement would need to be conducted on this night.

January 15 -- Winter Court of Honor

January 24-26 -- Winter Camporee

February 15-16 -- Skiing at Perfect North Slopes with cabin camping at a Scout camp

February 22 -- Pack 170 crossover (we expect to have some Webelos crossing over. May have more from other packs as well, which we will add to the calendar as we know.)

March 13-14 -- Merit Badge University

March 20-22 -- New Scout campout

April 24-26 -- Spring Camporee

May 16-17 -- Submarine campout at USS Silversides in Muskegon, Michigan

We will plan to do a kayak or canoe outing over the summer. More info to come on summer camp ASAP as we nail down the dates.

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